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What is Reiki?

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

Reiki is a form of energy healing, connecting to the universal life force energy that flows through though all living things. The word Reiki is Japanese, and translated means Universal Life Energy. When the word is broken down into its components, you have Rei and Ki. The definition for Rei - is Universal, transcendental spirit, mysterious power, essence, unconditional love. The definition for Ki – is described as the vital life force energy, very similar to the Chi of Chinese acupuncture or the light to Christians. Therefor we have Reiki – Universal Life Energy.

It is pure love energy, channelled through the practitioners body to facilitate your healing. Reiki practitioners have been attuned to receive this universal life force energy, or Chi, at a higher frequency and channel this energy. They are not healing you, just holding space and for the healing that your soul is calling in at this time. Reiki aligns and balances your energy, promotes relaxation and stress relief and awakens your body’s innate power to heal.

Reiki is:

  • A holistic healing system that is easy to learn and use.

  • A way to connect to the deeper parts of yourself, to your Higher Self or Soul.

  • A way to realise the oneness of life, the interconnectedness of everything.

  • A healing system that works on all levels of your being - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

  • An effective and gentle chakra healing and chakra balancing tool.

  • Gentle method for providing nurturing love, compassion, and comfort to those who need it.

  • A spiritual energy vibrating at a higher level.

  • A connection between you and the Universal life force energy, the free flowing energy surrounding us and within us.

  • A complementary therapy, non-intrusive, hands on healing technique.

  • A spiritual discipline that uses meditation, symbols, cleansing rituals, and spiritual principles for daily living.

  • Mindful living.

  • Easy to learn and to master when you are attuned by a teacher who is guided for the highest good of all.

  • Empowering - you will feel your own power to heal and to feel good about yourself and your purpose.

  • Safe to use. Reiki can be used by anyone and anywhere.

  • Reiki reminds us that we are always profoundly connected to the universe.

  • A way of life that can enhance any current belief system you are already living.

Benefits of Reiki:

  • Reiki heals the cause and eliminates the effect of imbalances.

  • Reiki does not conflict with any religious beliefs

  • Reiki is an alternative, natural healing method which can easily be combined with other techniques.

  • Reiki in no way conflicts with medical procedures and enhances medical treatments.

  • Reiki can be used to help pets, other animals and plants.

  • Reiki can be used to energise your water and food.

  • Reiki energises your entire system safely and quickly.

  • Reiki helps to minimize your sense of helplessness and powerlessness when faced with disease and crisis situations.

  • Reiki helps eliminate accumulated daily stress acquired from modern life by releasing negativity and maintaining balance.

  • Reiki is not a belief system – therefore, once activated, it will always turn on when used as instructed.

  • Reiki is simple, easy and safe!

  • Reiki is a self-help technique as well as being used to help others effectively.

  • Reiki lasts an entire lifetime – once activated it will never run out.It is infinite and abundant.

  • Reiki promotes from within you the qualities of loving, caring, growing, compassion, trusting, self-actualising, good will, wholeness, peace and serenity.

The gift of Reiki is the feeling of being reconnected to your source, a feeling of 'coming home.' It gives you a sense of wholeness, where it's easy to love yourself and in doing so you will discover how easy loving the world around you is. It connects you to deeper parts of yourself, to your higher self or soul. It's a healing system that works on all levels... physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

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